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Encumberance. Not add weight of things i am not carrying

Currently the Encumberance totals up all items the Character has.
But most people dont carry all the items with them.
Currently you can use the tick box to show which items you have equipped.

Can this list be totaled instead of the all items being totaled as it is currently, or have another field with this new total.

Currently having to manually count what my charater is carrying.


I have an Axe at 3 Enc, a Crossbow at 4 Enc.

I am carrying my axe and leave the crossbow at my rooms.

Currently the Encumberance is saying I have 10 Enc. When I only have 3.

Durak , 02.10.2013, 09:13
Idea status: completed


Durak, 24.12.2013, 22:40
In Ruleset 1.5.0. The black die per 1kg over weight is killing my rolls. The problem is I have stuff I keep a record of, that I do not carry on me, e.g. on a coach, in an inn on a horse. But you cannot get the game to recognise that your not carrying it unless you sets it weight to zero. Which causes an issue when you do carry it cause you need find out its weight again.
neilgfoster, 02.01.2014, 08:49
Added option to preference screen where GM can control whether only equipped items are considered when calculating encumbrance, or all items are considered. This will be included in v1.5.1

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